如何看待我国首艘新一代大型导弹护卫舰054B型低调下水? - 知乎
054b是我国海军第一个考虑到“现代化舰队结构下的换代需求”的船。 纵向来看,双面S波段雷达+32座垂发+100炮系统,对应的并不是054A或者055、052D,对应的是052和052B这一代水面战舰艇,也还包括4艘956型驱逐舰。
054B/new generation frigate - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · But either way, the likelihood that 054B won't have terminal illuminators has just crept a little big higher, which of course is something which is desirable and expected for a modern surface combatant equipped with an AESA.
054B/new generation frigate | Page 36 - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · For 054B's primary radar, it looks large enough to be able to support effective engagements in excess of 200km (it looks larger than the SPY-6(V3) which will be on the Constellation class frigates and they will be capable of supporting SM-2 Block IIIC), while for 052D and 055, they should be capable of effectively engaging equivalent targets in ...
054B/new generation frigate - Page 10 | Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · The larger Type 054B frigates integrates both flight deck and hangar for a single Z-9C or Ka-28 ASW helicopter. Her vertical launch system (VLS) will accept HHQ-16C/D surface-to-air missiles, CY-3 anti-submarine missiles and YJ …
054B/new generation frigate | Page 223 - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · The 054B FFG from Hudong-Zhonghua seen at sea just yesterday. Posted by @琴石2022 on Weibo. Short clip of the 054B FFG in question.
054B/new generation frigate | Page 227 - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · 054B FFG at Huangpu-Wenchong, date of photograph unknown. Posted by @海洋装备与公务船资讯 on Weibo. Reactions: johncliu88 , SunlitZelkova , no_name and 10 others
054B/new generation frigate | Page 115 - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · For the PLAN, with the introduction of 054B, what is likely is that future medium destroyer classes (i.e.: which the 052C/D currently sit in), will likely see an increase in displacement correspondingly to perhaps 8,000-9,000t maximum displacement, where the extra tonnage will primarily be used for the same additions we expect for 054B (sensors, …
054B/new generation frigate | Page 205 - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · 054B, while quite large, is not a “heavy frigate" per se. It's just a natural evolution of 054A, taking into account increased requirements of the (necessarily) more capable sensor/processing suite, more autonomy, as well as simply leveraging increased shipbuilding capability (like why save money on something what isn't that much of a ...
054B/new generation frigate | Page 5 - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · So I agree obviously that the UVLS isn't the end all in terms of advancements that 054B should enjoy. But if 054B is likely the see the major advancements in propulsion, ASW capabilities, and AAW sensors (likely all requiring an increase in overall displacement too), then not including the UVLS will be a bit weird imo.
054B/new generation frigate | Page 235 - Sino Defence Forum
May 17, 2020 · Well the canisters on the 054B certainly look like YJ-83 launchers in shape and form, just not in length (or width for that matter). If you believe the internet, YJ-83 is 6.38m while the YJ-12 is 7m, which makes the YJ-83 about 91% the length of the YJ-12. The red line that I drew looks consistent with this length difference.