Visit - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
If you plan to visit campus on your own, download the Duke Admissions Tour app which is now available for IPHONE and ANDROID users. You may also stop by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to pick up a campus map from our outside information box.
Visit Options + Help - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
All students can take themselves on the Duke Mobile Tour, and consider a Pratt School of Engineering Tour. If you’d like to set your own pace for a virtual visit, you can take a Virtual Reality Tour, or tune in for a video tour of Duke’s East Campus or Duke’s West Campus.
Campus Life - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
Our campus of 8,600+ acres gives students space to roam—both physically and intellectually. But it isn’t just the setting that makes Duke unlike any other university. It’s the feeling—the kinetic energy of connections forged, creativity sparked, and ideas born.
Admitted Students - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
Live Virtual Campus Tour. Our virtual tours offer an opportunity to visit campus from the comfort of your own home. Presented in real-time by a current student ambassador, our hour-long virtual visits guide you through popular spots on campus, including both East and West Campuses. SCHEDULE A LIVE VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOUR
Virtual Visit Resources - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
Virtual Visit Resources. Apply to Duke ... Created with Sketch. Karsh Office Of Undergraduate Financial Support . Created with Sketch. Office of University Scholars and Fellows . Created with Sketch. ... Created with Sketch. Our Students. 01. Campus Life. 02. Financial Support. 03. Join Our Mailing List. Sign Up. Our Students. Majors, Minors ...
Your First Year - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
You’ll be living with a random roommate in an East Campus residence hall filled with other first-years. Throughout the week, you’ll be forging friendships, touring campus, and exploring what Duke and Durham have to offer.
Durham, Our Hometown - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
Duke and its hometown of Durham, North Carolina, are closely connected. Here’s how to see some of Durham during a short visit to campus.
Resources + Tools - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
Watch campus tours, recorded informational sessions, and community panels from the comfort of your own home.
Open House for Students from the Carolinas - Duke …
West Campus Tours Location: Meet on the steps of the Chapel. Tours depart at 12:30 p.m., 1:00 p.m., and 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. QuadEx Session Location: Page Auditorium. 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. Admissions Process & Financial Aid Session, …
Living, Dining, and Wellness - Duke Undergraduate Admissions
All first-year students live on East Campus. A five-minute bus ride from West Campus, East Campus includes 172 acres of open lawns, residence halls, research labs, tennis courts, a dining hall, café, convenience store, library, theater, and gym.