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  1. Green Minneapolis is now Green Cities Accord - Green Cities ...

    Sep 5, 2024 · Green Cities Accord is your nonprofit partner for investing in our urban tree canopy. communities through investments in tree canopy infrastructure. Join Green Cities Accord in growing a greener, more climate resilient future.

  2. Minnesota GreenCorps - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

    Members implement environmental projects to build climate resilience in one of four topic areas: community readiness and outreach, energy conservation and green transportation, stormwater and forestry, waste reduction and recycling.

  3. Green Zones - City of Minneapolis

    Aug 22, 2024 · You can use the map to see if your property is in a green zone. We're lowering pollution to improve the health of residents.

  4. Our Story - Green Cities Accord

    Green Cities Accord developed expertise in the challenges and solutions for planting and maintaining urban trees, and developed relationships with a broad range of government, community, non-profit and business stakeholders to accomplish green infrastructure projects.

  5. Twin Cities Climate Resiliency Initiative - Green Cities Accord

    Green Minneapolis has established the Twin Cities Climate Resiliency Coalition - a group of environmental non-profits and business organizations aligned in their support and advocacy for increasing the urban tree canopy.

  6. Green Infrastructure - City of Minneapolis

    Oct 17, 2024 · Green Infrastructure is a collection of vegetated and pervious practices that mimic the natural environment. They help manage stormwater, increase green space in the city, and improve air and water quality. They also create local habitat, conserve energy and water, and enhance community experience.

  7. Climate Equity Plan - City of Minneapolis

    Jun 26, 2024 · Climate change is already impacting Minneapolis communities. This Climate Equity Plan sets a goal to significantly reduce climate pollution by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2050. But it’s not just about the environment. It’s about people. This work prioritizes diverse residents, organizations and businesses, especially in our Green Zones.